Episode 2 - 14 March Stroy So Far

Sakshi Pradhan (not the one who was dumped in the first episode) and Ashutosh Kataria were the two new contestants of Splitsvilla. I'm still confused why these two made their entry in the show only in the second episode. I can only assume that the makers of the show were waiting for one Sakshi to be dumped so that they can rope in the second Sakshi to avoid confusion regarding their names. She managed to turn a few heads at the villa. Some guys even found her to be "hot", dunno why. But what about Ashutosh ?? His selection really baffled me. He made me go WTF and ROFL at the same time. I cant explain in words how pissed off I was after seeing him on the show. You need to watch him to understand what I went through. Rather, they could have selected any one of those guys who were rejected in the auditions.

For the first time in this season, we had the Bajate Raho session. All the girls were asked to write the name of the girl whom they think has the worst body and ditto with the boys. There were no surprises on this front as Shikha and Ashutosh won hands down and went directly into the dumping zone. But the highlight of the Bajate Raho session was when Ashutosh said he voted for the "grey shirt wala" by doing inky-pinky-ponky as he didn’t know anyone that well.

Soon, all the contestants were on the cruise, Casino Royale for their next task. They all had to vow the King and Queen by showing off their "good bodies" to be in the safe zone and avoid getting dumped (another sexist task). Siddharth, Param, Rahul did a good job among the boys while Ritika and Sakshi were good among the girls. But Suyash with his somersault and Chesta with her toy gun take the cake for being innovatively stupid.

Later when the King and Queen were requested to perform, Joanna rocked the ramp when she did a little jig of her own! Oh man! WHAT A PERFORMANCE! She was damn good with her movements. But it was the King, the jerk's performance which made me puke. WTF ! EEEEEKS

Aman,Suyash and Chesta,Meenakshi were the 2 boys and girls selected by the Queen and King respectively to go into the dumping zone, along with Ashutosh and Shikha.

Time for Vodafone Second Chance. It was boring to the core. I would rather watch saas-bahu instead of watching Aman, Suyash and Ashutosh trying to impress Joanna. While Aman and Ashutosh have no substance to leave a lasting impression, Suyash came across as an over confident chap. Maybe he was thinking that he would be saved coz he knows Joanna even before the show.

But it was the jack*** King's escapades in the pool which made me squirm in my seat. From forcing all the girls to get into the pool to ordering Meenakshi to get into the pool with her party dress on "within 30 seconds", he made all the wrong moves, which turned me off to no extent. He is one big *beep* pervert.

I will remember this episode's Dumping Ground for a long long time. It gave me great pleasure to see Mohit being slapped by Rahul, Siddharth and Param. It was really heartening to see Rahul take up the cudgels for Meenakshi in spite of his differences with her and spank Mohit for misbehaving with her in the pool. He deserved a kick on his butt.

While the girls chose to secure Aman, the boys chose to secure Shikha (good for her, or else she would have been dumped). But the shocker came when Joanna chose to dump Suyash, considering the fact Suyash used to brag about knowing Joanna even before the show happened. But i wasn't surprised when Mohit chose to dump Meenakshi. Not that the jerk was right, but she was a misfit for Splitsvilla.

The second episode was much better than the first one in terms of altercations and only the "war" can keep the viewers glued to Splitsvilla 2.

1 comment:

  1. stupid show..cant understand wats goign on..all the guys are too sad and girls are the worst except for ritika...as she seems to be pretty decent. nikhil is nto as good as ranvijay..neither he look good or can talk liek ranvijay (host in previous splitsvilla). don understand y these people concentrate too much on body and beauty..i though its about love and game. and even they concentrate ob beauty and body..none os them are exceptional. there is nothign good bout the show. m relaly dissappointed
